A Brief History of Our Church

Cornerstone Baptist Church began in November of 1986 establishing itself as a cooperating member of the Pilot Mountain Baptist Association, the Baptist State Convention of N.C. and the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor Charles Martin was called to serve as Cornerstone’s first pastor and has faithfully served as the only senior pastor for the church. After beginning weekly gatherings in a renovated seafood restaurant fondly referred to by members as the "fish camp", the church purchased the property at our current location in 1990.
God has been kind to provide for the needs of the church across the years. Cornerstone has been a witness of the gospel to the community since the beginning. As the gospel has been proclaimed in and through the church, God has been kind to bring many people to become followers of Christ. After purchasing the property in 1990, the church added more meeting space as the church grew in numbers, culminating in a major building project in 2003 which added a new sanctuary.
In 2009, feeling the church had plateaued in many areas, Pastor Charlie began to ask the church to consider the question, "What is a healthy church?". Since then, God has renewed a fresh understanding of church and membership. As a church we rejoice in the kindness of God that has both sustained and rebuilt a congregation. Acknowledging that we still have a ways to go, the church is firmly committed to being a healthy kingdom church for the glory of God. While God has been kind to add to our membership, we are committed to metrics far more important than attendance to judge our fruitfulness. We do not take our future for granted at Cornerstone and realize that it lies entirely in God’s hands. Yet, given what He is currently doing, we are very excited about the days and years that may lie ahead.